It's been a while since I posted on here. A lot has happened in the last six months which has prevented me from posting new stuff on here. Graduation, job applications and projects, political involvements, radio shows... loads of stuff which now makes me very busy.
Basically in light of all these things I've decided to wrap this blog up. The Top 100 Albums list I started way back is now way out of date, and so rather than just plod on for another month or two I want to make a clean break. For the record, here was my Top 7 at the point at which I started:
1. Animals (1977)
2. Under The Iron Sea (2006)
3. Wish You Were Here (1975)
4. Speak For Yourself (2005)
5. Who's Next (1971)
6. The Fellowship Of The Ring OST (2001)
7. Hopes And Fears (2004)
I'll leave the debate surrounding these choices up to you.
Rest assured, for those out there who have enjoyed my blogs over the years, I will still be blogging in some form. Aside from my film reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, I'm now contributing to Three Men on a Blog, which I've set up with two of my friends of university. We'll be posting on a variety of themes, including music, so by all means check it out.
Well, that's about it, save to say thank you to everyone for reading my posts over the years, and for your patience over the previous months.
Thank you and good night!